Nuclear power is on the cusp of a re-emergence as a major supplier of energy in the US. Microsoft has expressed a desire to purchase energy produced by the Constellation, “Three Mile Island” facility in a 20-year agreement to support its data centers which consume a vast amount of energy.

“If approved to come back online, Three Mile Island is expected to restart in 2028 and extend operations until at least 2054. With its anticipated reopening, the facility is also set to be renamed the Crane Clean Energy Center.”

Microsoft has likely concluded that the fastest path to securing a large source of energy is to contract a restart of an existing facility rather than pound its way through an antiquated Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC). Let us hope that this is a precursor to accelerated availability of a cheap and reliable source of clean, renewable energy for Granite Staters as we explore a long-term energy plan for our future.

DC residents can now power homes with 100% nuclear energy – Washington Examiner