Google understands exactly what should be at the cornerstone of New Hampshire’s forward-looking energy program. We can SOLVE our energy cost problem as well as ensure New Hampshire’s energy security if we simply deploy a number of Small Nuclear Reactors. Just…Like…Google!!! They are cost-efficient, safe and environmentally non-impactful. What stands in the way of this technology? The “left” opposes it with every fibre of their existence. Why? Because the “right” embraces it as a practical and environmentally friendly solution to a major societal problem.

If I am elected to represent you in Concord, I will work with any and all representatives from any and all political parties to bring this cutting edge technology to life here in the Granite State.

Google announced that it “…is adding nuclear plants to its seemingly ever-growing portfolio. The company has partnered with Kairos Power to back the construction of seven small nuclear reactors in the U.S. It’s the first agreement of its kind.”

Google suggested that “…The first plant is expected to come online by 2030, the company announced in a blog post. Other reactors will be deployed by 2035. All totaled, the deal will funnel 500 megawatts of power to the company’s AI technologies—enough to power a midsize city.”

Google will help build seven nuclear reactors to power its AI systems (